Wednesday, April 28, 2021



Sometimes, children and teenagers display behavioral changes that adults do not understand. Those changes cause difficulties in the school setting and at home adding more stress to their parent’s lives. Very often, adults think that those behavioral changes are due to the age or to the child or teen’s personality, but actually, often times those behaviors are caused by stress.

Like adults, children and teenagers can feel stressed out for different reasons: the pressure of keeping good grades, participation in many extra-curricular activities after school, worry to not disappoint their parents or teachers, worry of losing their friends or not being accepted in the group of peers, changes in their physical body due to puberty or exams, are some examples. Additionally, children and teens can perceive their parent’s stress and concerns which causes more stress in them.

However, children and teenagers express their stress in a different way than adults do, mostly because they do not know that they have stress or what stress is. Consequently, parents and teachers usually do not realize that their children or students have stress and therefore, they do not address it in the right way.

Knowing how to identify these symptoms of stress in our children or students, is the most important step to provide the right support to them.

In this link you can find an interesting article to learn how to identify stress in your child or student.



En esta website podéis encontrar una amplia variedad de recursos para porfesores sobre distintos tópicos.

Monday, April 19, 2021



Nowadays it is common to hear people say things like: think positive to attract positive things, look at the bright side always, avoid people who think negative, avoid drama, etc.
However, we do not realize that negative feelings and negative thoughts have an important function in our mental and psychical health. They alert us of what is not going well in our body and mind, so we can take care of it and grow.

For example, when you have a cold, do you ignore the symptoms and stay focused on the bright side of your life? Or you take action by taking some medicine or a natural remedy and getting enough rest until you feel better? 

I am sure that all of us take care of our physical symptoms when we have a cold or another physical condition, but why we do not do this when we are feeling "mental symptoms"? 

I my professional opinion, if we ignore our negative thoughts or feelings, we are entering a toxic loop of toxic positivity which not only will prevent us from overcoming our problem and grow, but also will add more stress and negative thoughts/feelings on us, because, since all people around us and mass media are telling us that we need to be positive, think positive and talk positive, as soon as we have a negative thought or a bad day, we feel "guilty" because we are not thinking or feeling positive and that in turn, will add more stress and negative feelings on us.

In addition, if you are having a bad day and share it with someone, and he or she answers you things like "just shake it up, look at the bright side", "I do not want drama", "if you think negative, that is what you will have" or "you become what you think"..., the only thing that you will get is a feeling of loneliness, and sometimes rejection by others.

At this point, I like to reflect on the difference between being positive and being optimistic. One of my favorite psychiatrist is Luis Rojas Marcos. He has written many books and conducted researches about this topic. He explains that a positive person is the one who avoids looking at the negative things in their life by just staying focused on the positive. However, since positive people do not address the negative things of their lives, they do not overcome or solve them and those negative things will not disappear. On the contrary, an optimistic person is aware of the negative things of his life, but instead of being focused on the problem, he is focused on the solution. This way, optimistic people are aware of their negative feelings or thoughts, but they understand them, they process them, they find solutions and they overcome them, which make them grow and be happier and more successful in all areas of their lives.

With this article that I am writing, I would like to encourage you all to do not pay attention to all those people who tell you that "you have to be positive". Instead, BE AN OPTIMISTIC PERSON and do not forget that it is okay to feel negative feelings or to have negative thoughts, just understand them and take action to change them.

In this link you can read a true story about a woman who experimented this. 

And in the infographic I included above, you can find a comparative chart about how to talk to someone who is going through something hard and has negative feelings.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


En este vídeo puedes ver una charla muy instructiva de la Psiquiatra Marian Rojas Estape, en la que explica cómo el mal uso de las nuevas technologías y el estilo de vida actual, afecta negativamente el desarrollo cognitivo y personal de nuestros hijos interfiriendo en su felicidad presente y futura como adultos. Igualmente describe alguna orientaciones que los padres pueden seguir para evitar que esto suceda.



El Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje TEL afecta entre el 5 y el 10% de los nios en edad escolar, Si no se diagostica pronto y se aplican medidas psicoeducativas, puede causar fracaso escolar y problemas de comportamiento. La dificultad de este trastorno es que en muchas ocasiones se confunde con pérdida auditiva o con el Trastorno del Espectro Autista, cuando el niño comienza a presentar los primeros signos. Esto ocasiona diagnósticos erróneos y retraso en la aplicación de una intervención psicoeducativa adecuada.

Esta guía está dirigdia a padres y profesionales, para conocer mejor el TEL. También contiene orientaciones para padres sobre cómo abordar el diagnóstico así como orientaciones para estimular y comunicarse con los niños con TEA. 

Si abres este link, podrás descargarte la guía gratuita.

TEL guía para padres

Sunday, April 11, 2021



Hoy quiero recomendar el blog EL SONIDO DE LA HIERBA AL CRECER. Podeis encontrar muchas strategias y actividades para trabajar con alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista.



En el siguente link podéis desgargaros una infografía sencilla con pautas para profesores sobre cómo trabajar con alumnos con TDAH.

Monday, April 5, 2021


           Sometimes we observe changes in the students' behavior such as lack of interest, irritability, aggressiveness, anxiety, sleepy disorders, etc., that we often treat individually. However, we do not think that they could be the symptoms of depression in young children. 
In this article, you can find information about the most common symptoms of depression in young children and some intervention approaches.